It has been two weeks since I moved to my new place in Boca Raton, Florida. I am still overcome with gratitude for my clients, network, friends and family that have supported, believed, and encouraged me to achieve my goals since day one.
I have this painting that says ‘Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the Sea, and Drink the Wild Air.’ This has been a vision of mine for some time, and I am so excited to share that I have made this vision a reality.
I see my goals like a garden – always growing and changing.
Like plants, some goals are easy…
~some are tricky
~some have special requirements
~others seem out of place
~some need to be fertilized
~some will outgrow their space and need to be replanted
~some die back and re-appear, or fade away for good
~sometimes, my garden is wild and needs trimming and pruning
~sometimes weeds spread like wildfire and support is needed to get ahead
I invite you to stop and smell the roses, and tend your garden of goals with me. Book your free discovery session today!
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